Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Mr. Hughes (Apex Printers)
10 Hanover Sq. W.1.
6-3-42 e.v. [6 March 1942]
Dear Mr. Hughes
This is positively the last effort to do you the good Turn that you don't deserve.
How can a printer—even you!—be so ignorant of the laws of libel?
Firstly, no person is names or indicated in any way.
Who is going to start what you, very vulgarly, call a "court case"?
Secondly, political abuse is not libel.
Thirdly, who can prove that he has been damaged by these attacks?
Ask your lawyer; get him to explain the law, and beg . . .
[. . .]
Yours, really concerned about your future in the workhouse infirmary,
Aleister Crowley