Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe
K.J. GERMER 1007 Lexington Ave New York, N. Y.
March 12, 1942
My dear Jane,
Thanks very much for yours of March 10th and the copy of the letters to 666. All your analyses of people are very good and illuminating and helpful.
In the meantime I've heard from Max [Max Schneider]. There was no cause for worry on my part. As you know, M.[ax] never took out papers to become a citizen, as he should have done. Now there has been so much clamour in the newspapers, at least in the East, stories of how people on the west coast were demanding the evacuation of aliens, that I feared it had struck M. All the more so as I had the FBI agents in the house who asked a lot of searching questions and ransacked every nook for almost four hours. All my letters—and Cora's [Cora Eaton] as well—were read, every book was opened and its pages searched, really I've never seen anything like it, though I have some experience with Scotland Yard and the Gestapo. In the end they were satisfied and tried to be sweet. That really caused my postcard to you, and I am glad my fears were unfounded and I hope will remain so.
You are a great dear and I am very grateful to you for the frank transmission of what I consider some sort of vision.* It encourages me somewhat in all the worries I am having at the moment, not the least of which is how to scrape together the cash, or some cash, to cable to 666 on the 15th. There has been a crisis all round, it appears, and everybody seems to think that I can manage alone. But I can't. Besides, to fall down and interrupt the regularity of the promised contributions, would have very very grave magical consequences for those concerned. Help impress this.
Who exactly is Helen [Helen Parsons]? Is it Jack's [Jack's Parsons] sister and at present Wilfred's [Wilfred's T. Smith] partner? I have never been quite clear on that. You asked some time ago what I thought of Parson's horoscope. I have written him my view on it, and I suppose he has let you know. He has a pure and powerful aspiration and much help by favorable aspects. It should help him to pull through. But he needs a Guru, especially as he lives in Los Angeles' spiritual atmosphere which does not have a good reputation; if he is scientifically inclined, all the better. Let him use most of all common sense and go by his own inner light.
I think this is about all for to-day.
Love and best wishes,
*a) 6 horse power is my de Soto car; *b) "sorrel-bay"—the color of the car is grey-ivory *c) who was the woman? Cora? Another, that has yet to turn up?