Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Karl Germer






[14 March 1942]



I shall appoint you my successor as O.H.O. but on special terms. It is quite clear to me that a complete change in the structure of the Order , and its methods, are necessary. The Secret is the basis, and you must select the proper people. . . .


The broad base of public association is the Gnostic Mass. I hope, before I die, to get this put on en grande terme by trained screen artists, so as to have a "sealed pattern" for future reference. The other rituals will have to tail along as best they can. I feel doubtful whether the time will ever return when there is either need to use such methods or leisure to cultivate them. Of course, the minor secrets in them have their special magical value, so that they will always maintain a certain use to certain types of mind. Also the actual magical effect on the candidate may be of the greatest value to him, and the training and discipline are always useful. But as means of propaganda they are absurdly slow, cumbersome and clumsy; the secrecy part of it is purely comic as long as there are any Gerald Yorkes in the world.


