Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson
An I xvi Sol in 0° Aries [21 March 1942].
Care Frater
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The Greetings of the Equinox of Spring!
The Word of the Equinox is
This word is Enochian, and the meaning is not here declared. But in Hebrew transliteration it is KVSIS, and has the numerical value of BABALON and of TzIVN.
KUS is a Persian word, implying the essence of Womanhood; and its value (Hebrew transliteration) is 86, like ALHIM Elohim, the feminine forces of Nature.
IS has the value of 70, Ayin, Capricornus. Considering the Oracle and the Omen as below KUSIS may be taken to mean The Great Mother Goddess.
The Oracle is AL I.4. My signet fell exactly on the word 'infinite'.
The Omen is the 44th [I Ching] Hexagram Kau, which is referred to the Sun in Leo, and "shews a female who is bold and strong".
Love is the law, love under will.
Fraternally yours.
TO MEGA THERION [in Greek] 666