Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Edward Noel Fitzgerald
16 April 1942.
Dear Noel,
Glad to hear from you, but wish your wanderings had brought you this way. Machen has been half buried in a cottage in Essex for 20 years or so! Montgomery Evans used to dig him out on his birthday and stuff him and make him drink. So he was alive in the summer of '30. I think we should have heard if he had died.
Sorry your asthma persists; mine is held down—at a price.
I'm very fed up with lunatics, who now amount to 98.673% of the population.
U.S.A. news seems very goof; but will it come to anything?
Glad you got your Yi [King book]: that woman [Frieda Harris] is an egomaniac stuffed with phobias. It hurts me badly; she can be so great-hearted, and I'm so devoted to her, and proud of the way she has picked up my ideas, and gave them an agreeable plastic form.
Look me up if your are hither: it's GRO: 4626.
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