Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley
Rolling Stone Orchard Campden
May 14, 1942
My dear Aleister,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I am sorry I cannot allow my pictures to be reproduced as a pack of cards unless I know who the person is who is putting down the money, the exact details of your plan and how you propose to raise so large a sum and am satisfied that the securities are real business proposition and the scheme is a sound one.
As all this fuss and worry is too much for me will you kindly write fully to my bank manager and not to me, as in future I want to leave these complicated business agreements to experts.
I shall not reply to you again about them or discuss them with you.
Love is the law, love under will.
Frieda Harris.
The Sun Engraving have enough cardboard to do 1000 packs.
Address The Bank Manager Midland Bank Chipping Campden Glos.