Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe
Hamilton House, 140, Piccadilly, London W.1
8th June 1942
Miss Jane Wolfe, 1746 Winona Boulevard, Los Angeles, Cal.
Dear Jane,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Thank you so much for your letter of May 26th and Karl's [Karl Germer] cabled enclosure, which arrived on Saturday.
Of course only a lunatic would suggest printing somebody's name on the actual cards. It suggests tourists in cathedrals! It would even spoil the appearance of the cards to have separate ones struck off with any such addition. What will be done is to have a mount for the cards stating that the funds for that particular card came from that particular person. I think the card for you would be the Star which refers to Aquarius.
our letters do seem mixed up. Here is a copy of one sent on May 19th. I do not know how Atu VI came to be missing. The trouble is that I have not got another copy at the moment to send you; but do not worry, with any luck we shall have the complete set out in short order.
I quite understand about the prices of the "Songs for Italy" but the best printers must have seen you coming! The pamphlet actually produced should not have cost more than about £3 per thousand.
I am terrifically overworked trying to get odds and ends collected from all parts of the earth so as to enable me to migrate to sunnier climes.
I do not know what your allusion to the paper in San Diego means—in such a case it would be better to send me a cutting.
I am distraught and nervous—this Tarot [The Book of Thoth] business is giving me the willies, so please forgive this brief but very grateful acknowledgment of your noble gesture.
I cannot see where this Balsley man comes in. In fact I am bound to say that you have rather relapsed into your old mysterious style.
Love is the law, love under will.
P.S. June 9.
I have just had dinner with Lady Harris [Frieda Harris]; she was in one of the schoolgirl tantrums which sit so wondrous well in a woman of 60. The supremely important task for the New Aeon is to get the book [The Book of Thoth] set up and distributed for safety. The "tables" may take a long while to get straight, so I am bustling this part of the job. The cards could always be redrawn (and coloured from the data in the book) if the worst happened, and the originals were destroyed. It is wiser, consequently, not to pester the engraver for a week or two; he got very annoyed over an insane outburst of Frieda's. So you might have to wait a month or so extra before your proofs are ready. Things here are very difficult in several ways; in reality, one has to be very elastic and jump at any opportunity that may arise.
I'll explain all this when I see you. It is all very complicated! I'm utterly worn out with work; so do please forgive this scrappy and unsatisfactory letter.
I expect you can tell by the style how fagged I am.