Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Ben Stubbins
140 Piccadilly.
10 June [1942].
Care Frater.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yours of June 7 joyfully to hand. Sorry you didn't like Ouroboros; of course it's all no news to you. But I was impressed by the demonstration of the vicious circle of mass production: they can only keep going by self-destruction. Very soon, I think, all markets will be saturated, so that there will no longer be any motive to make these worthless and pernicious gadgets that they have bludgeoned or bamboozled people into thinking desirable or necessary. Also, they have destroyed the purchasing power; so we'll soon get back to making our own things with pride and joy in the work. It's the individual, not the State, that survives. (Sometimes I wish I were an historian; I could read such noble lectures!)
Of course, the Commentary [on the Book of the Law] awaits your convenience. But I hope it will be fairly soon, for the sake of the Tarot [The Book of Thoth]. That woman, with whom I dines last night, seems more 'lunatick and sore vexed than ever. It is really rather heart-breaking.
Your visit was most welcome and refreshing—a sparkle of spring water in the desolate wastes of life in London. I am glad you appreciated the catalogue enough to want more. But I'm responsible to the O.T.O. There are only 6 copies left and I can't give more than one; that only as a very special favour. So I have to be very stern, and sell what I can at 5/-. I never had more than 20 or so. What will you?
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally.