Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Ben Stubbins
140 Piccadilly.
2 July [1942]
Care Frater.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yours of June 30 with enclosure duly to hand. (Please note guineas, not pounds: we get very high hat and mighty and professional and tall hat when we get over 5/-) Nothing from Cohen; but he may be waiting for a letter from me. I owe him one; also, he most kindly copies out the references in "Abramelin" that I needed. Now it's your turn! I think you said you had a Qabalah Unveiled of Mathers [MacGregor Mathers]. In the introduction he tells one of Shemhamphorasch. I want to know which chapter and verse of Exodus (or Deuteronomy?) contain the letters which compose that Name.
McG[gregor] Reid has given no sign of life so far. I haven't seen "Mike" for weeks. Hardly out at all; the electric storm here, very local and strange—it never broke properly, is still hanging about, though it's cold as hell, to give me a headache—prostrated me for the best part of a week.
I'm glad you liked the film. I wrote as asked in the Commentary. I do hope you'll use it to get people going in the fullness of life. I should pick out short snappy tantalizing bits, excite their appetite for more, and make them eager to put over the Law. Head really bothering; so good-night!
Love is the law, love under will.
Aleister Crowley.