An Open Letter to the Society of Hidden Masters from Aleister Crowley





[Undated: circa August 1942]



[in response to An Open Letter to Aleister Crowley]

[the first portion of the letter is missing]



Their estimate in paragraph 6 is exaggerated: it depends on the definition of “serious students.”


Nor would it be useful to deny them, as in every case their truth is guaranteed by evidence independent of my asseveration, internal evidence of documents easily accessible.


I do however most strenuously deny participation in the hoax. This was perpetrated by Lady Harris [Frieda Harris] without my knowledge or consent; I only learnt of the exhibitions [of her paintings of the Tarot cards], in the first case several days after the opening, from information supplied by loyal friends.


This letter is to authorize and to request you to publicize its substance, either by a letter addressed to the Times and other newspapers, or as you in your best judgment may see fit.


Believe me,



Yours faithfully,


Aleister Crowley


