Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Ben Stubbins




140 Piccadilly.



1 Aug [1942].



Dear Brother.


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I had cherished a half hope that you might descend on me this Bank Holiday! The Tarot show re-opens at the Royal Society of Painters in Water Colour on Aug 4 for 3 weeks. Once again Frieda Harris never told me, though she sent a circular letter to the Press. The woman must be crazy. Anyhow, I do wish you'd drop in this week and see the show, and tell me what to do. I'm sure you're not the man to see my life's work stolen from under my nose. Let us have some of your "rough Lancashire downrightness and honesty" on the battlefield! She comes here with soft words of flattery, false as the devil, and persuades me that everything is all right if only I'll keep quiet. But it isn't honest to keep quiet while she lies to the public. She tells my friends that she's doing it all for my sweet sake—if she'd put it in writing, that would be all right. Though ,even then, she ought to be made to admit openly that she contributed nothing to the Work but the technical skill of the presentation; that every idea, every design, every colour, were done under the direction, and corrected under the correction, of a Master. I don't want to put forward my name; but I do hate fraud and falsehood.


Any hope of your forgetting the cruises of the Lent market long enough to come to London for a couple of nights? Anyhow, you know how much I enjoy a talk with you; besides, you really ought not to miss the show. And I want to hear how you are making out with the Commentary [to the Book of the Law]. I haven't been through it myself for 20 years!


Very tired to-night; but the thought that I might see you has given me the strength to scribble this note.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours fraternally.




