Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith to Aleister Crowley




1003 Orange Grove Avenue

Pasadena, California.



18 Aug 42



Care Frater 666


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


At long last I am getting some photos off to you. . . .


This was a tough move. I have worked like hell, so has Helen [Helen Parsons] and Regina [Regina Kahl]. Without them we would not have been here any way. Of course, others have helped, but, damn it all, so few seem to have any spirit to put into even mundane things. It is so much easier to sit on one's arse and talk philosophy. . . .


But with it all we are gradually getting there. . . . When I can get Betty [Sara Northrup] stirred up, I will get some photos of the house and grounds for you. Bear with me, I turn my hand to every thing, and am worn out at the end of the day.


Love is the law, love under will.




