Forsyte, Kerman [Isidore Kerman] & Phillips to Cannon Brookes & Odgers
20th August 1942.
Aleister Crowley and Lady Harris [Frieda Harris].
Dear Sirs,
We have again seen our Client with regard to this matter and he informs us that it was agreed that the copyright of the Cards is owned as to two-thirds by our Client and one-third by Lady Harris, and we should like your Client's confirmation of this position.
It appears that your Client has already arranged two exhibitions of the Cards without our Client's knowledge or consent and he considers that the way the exhibitions have been arranged is seriously damaging to his interests, and your Client must agree not to deal with the Cards in any way without our Client's consent.
Any matter which is apparently of great importance is the book [The Book of Thoth] which is being published in conjunction with the Cards. Our Client desires the printing of the book to be continued; that the four sets of blocks already prepared by the Sun Engraving Co., be handed to the Chiswick Press; the originals of the four new blocks, viz., Trumps 5 and 11, the Ace of Swords and the Ace of Disks be sent to the Sun Engraving Co., for reproduction and the other cards to be reproduced in collotype by the Chiswick Press.
Our Client will be prepared to allow your Client a one-third interest in the copyright of the Book. We shall be glad if you will obtain from your Client's instructions on the matter and let us hear from you as soon as possible, and in the meantime we should like an undertaking from Lady Harris that she will not arrange further exhibitions without our Client's consent.
Yours faithfully,
Messrs. T. Cannon Brookes & Odgers, Norfolk House, Norfolk Street, W.C.2.