Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer
1003 S. Orange Grove Avenue, Pasadena, California
September 9, 1942
Dear Karl:
Enclosed copy of A.C.'s to Max [Max Schneider], with the certificate.
I do not think Dawson would be the publisher, but I hope to get his mailing list—rather, some names from it, who might be interested in contributing toward the publication, if nothing more. Dawson himself has become a Christian Scientist. I shall most certainly keep you promptly informed if anything at all turns up re Tarot. I would have to in any event, as I know nothing whatever of what "publishing the tarot" [The Book of Thoth] would involve.
In bed last night the A∴A∴ crept into my mind. Some few years ago I had a chela—out of town—and I wished to inform myself regarding this chela when my Probationer period was over. I wrote A.C. He wrote, "Good Lord, you were passed into the Order long ago." I was not informed at the time, nor do I know the Word of the Neophyte, etc., etc. Wilfred [Wilfred T. Smith] is no help because every thought, every ounce of energy is to go into the O.T.O. (I understood later he feared lest I would take the Oath of the Abyss too soon.)
I ask now because I have another chela [Phyllis Seckler], [a] Probationer for 3 years come next Spring, when she hopes I will admit her. She is an O.T.O.member, but would like the A∴A∴ as well. What, if anything, can be done about this. Also, who will carry this on? You? People at a distance can be handled more adequately in this way, can they not? Let me know how you feel about this, will you?
All my best that the "big things" mature to your Heart's desire.