Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe





Valley of the Thames.



An I XVI in 0°

[24 September 1942]





We [eleven-fold cross] Baphomet O.H.O. [Outer Head of the Order] do hereby instruct Soror Estai [Jane Wolfe] to make her own decision in the matter of the conduct of Frater 132 [Wilfred T. Smith] subject to the approval of Frater Saturnus [Karl Germer]. She will withhold the Pass Word [Word of the Equinox] from Fra 132, thereby placing him temporarily altogether outside the Order. She will advise him that his full reinstatement will follow the achievement of some definite personal action, conceived and executed by him alone, to the advancement of the Work of the Order.


93     93/93.


Witness our Hand


[eleven-fold cross] Baphomet O.H.O.


Should Frater 132 be already in possess of the Password, Soror Estai will notify all concerned that it is invalid unless the person giving it as proof of his good standing on being asked "Where is Thido now?" replies "In a tent on the beach?" (The reference is of course to your Retirement in 1922 e.v.) You ought to make a 24 hours' retirement yourself at once, in order to consider well your decision in this very grave matter; and you will of course send in your report with copies of my letters and instructions to [Karl Germer].


[eleven-fold cross] B.


P.S. I seem to be stuck in London for the winter. A.C. must be regarded as a fragile and exquisite piece of Ming porcelain (or, more accurately, as an old cracked piss-pot) which will smash at the slightest jar. He has got a flat from Nov 15 at 93 Jermyn St W.1. (TEL Whitehall 9331)!!! close to everything so as to avoid the risks of the Black-out; but he will have to be kept warm (which is both difficult and expensive) and fed principally on sea food and fresh fruit. This also is expensive; but what with dental and digestive trouble, there is no other way to secure him. The chance—rather meagre at the best—of getting through the winter alive. The flat itself is cheap, very cheap indeed as things go these days in London; and the housekeeper is the dear old-fashioned 'body' who seems to me just the sort to look after a quiet 'old buffer' such as I must appear to her. The one best help and encouragement to my struggle for survival is good news from California: so do your stuff.


One good chance of cutting the ordeal short: the prospect of another Russian winter may be too much for the rank and file: they may, suddenly, refuse to carry on. A.C.


