Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith
4 Oct 42
Care Frater 132
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Your letters, for many years, seem to have sought to give the impression that you are being bundled about all the time, mostly with 'chores', so that you cannot concentrate on the Great Work. Poor ill-used, wronged, misunderstood dog's body!
You seem to think that this is an excuse. It is not: it is a confession.
I can't see that you have made your mark in these 20 or 30 years, that you have stuck in one place in a safe job. You seem to have made a few friends, and no enemies at all. Do people talk about you and your Work? Does California generally know about you? What have you actually done, outside the enormously valuable work of keeping the flag flying over the Citadel? I do most heartily appreciate that. But in all these years, you seem never to have made a sortie. There ought to at least be one hell of a stink!
And now I hear that you are sitting on Jack's [Jack Parsons] tail to prevent him getting off the ground.
That simply won't do, and I was in more than half a mind to withhold the Password [Word of the Equinox], and see if you could do anything if you were right outside, with no authority or responsibility but on your own. Are you capable of leadership at all?
You seem to use most of your spare energy in trying to hamper my work here. That won't do either. Enough! take this friendly admonishment. I should hate it if the hair by which the sword hangs over your head were to snap.
Love is the law, love under will.
Baphomet O.H.O. [Outer Head of the Order]