Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Isidore Kerman




140 Piccadilly


GRO: 2440



Oct 13 [1942]



Dear Kerman,




1.) Is this Will O.K.? I don't want any Jarudyce v Jarudyce.


2.) That crazy woman [Frieda Harris] continues the stipend: it came by the last post. But not a word in acknowledgment of proofs etc sent to her.


It doesn't matter—I don't need what I'm asking her to send for weeks or months; but I do get a little uneasy, not knowing what monkey business she may be up to.


3.) Are you a "responsible person" to witness my application for a new "personal ration book" to replace the one stolen by Mrs. Hogg [Deborah Hogg]?


If so, could I see you for 10 minutes on Thursday morning?


Please telephone me before 11 A.M. or between 4 and 5 P.M. when you get this. (If that Will is O.K., I want it typed in triplicate and signed afresh: if not, ditto after your revision.)


Yours sincerely,


Aleister Crowley.


