Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Roy Leffingwell






[23 October 1942]



The Magical Diary is the First condition of Advancement. It is your compass, your log, and your sheet-anchor. Begin by a summary of your life, including its origins such as family history, up to the point where you decide to devote yourself to the Great Work. The idea is to map out all the causes which brought you to that Gateway. From this alone you should be able to divine much of who you are, whence you have come, and whither you are bound—to have it clear what the Great Work means to you. This should help you to chose a Motto: extremely important, as the motto actually rules you: it is the word of your self-determined Destiny. It helps you furthermore to select the right practices.


You then carry on daily, not recording the time you shaved, and the temperature of your bath-water, but all the work you do, and such reflections as pertain to your progress. (The Diary in the "Blue Equinox," Vol. III, No. 1, is a very good model.) This acts as your conscience and your tutor; also, when you get fits of depression, it is immensely comforting.


You are supposed to send a copy, neatly types, double spacing, to your Neophyte for his comments at the end of 11 months. (Double-spacing always please! It is one of my manias: but it does make such a difference.)


