Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson
140 [Piccadilly]
Nov 1 [1942]
Dear Louis,
Some bloke didn't like "This sort of thing" in your remarks on Russia: said the contextual brilliance made it commonplace.
Suggestion: could one change it to "such 'un-English' 'moeurs' "?
I gave the MS. to the friend this P.M. after taking Frieda [Frieda Harris] to lunch. She was very subdued: I felt her aura as guilty and penitent. She was undoubtedly weary: Says Percy's [Percy Harris] health is in issue: they want an exploratory operation: she objects, of course. She has promised to expedite the work: but one doesn't know. She wasted 1 3/4 hours of the friend's time last Friday: jabbered wildly about her copyright (what business was it of his?) and ended: "But I don't want the copyright, anyhow; why do I worry about it?" I never knew any one in my life with greater kindness and less consideration!
You do continue your marvels: what a gift of the Gods, always to find a girl of the most surprising beauty!
Fagged out—to-morrow more hard work—Friday making La Gauloise record and packing in P.M. Rush-rush-rush! My excuse for a serially dull letter. Hope you appear on Tuesday and make my desert blossom like the rose!
93 93/93.
Yours ever,