Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson
Louis Wilkinson Grove Heart Ripley Surrey
5 Nov 42
140 Piccadilly. W.1.
Dear Louis
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
This time I want you real bad! I contemplate issuing "The Fun of the Fair" for Dec. 22, 11.31 a.m. Its heroic couplets (7500 words about) a "grand reportage" of my 3 days in Ninji Novgorod. Each incident was described exactly as it took place, exactly in the words as they still are. Fair-time, 1913 e.v. I want you to read it, and say: Thou shalt—or, shalt not—publish it. Its merit is that it gives every angle of A.C. mystic, cynic, wine-bibber, satyr, travelling, heliolater k.t.l. [etc.] in swift kaleidoscope. If you say Go ahead! Please, sir, I would be most frantically grateful for a few well-chosen words of introduction. It is, I feel, sure, most necessary to point out this grand-reportage-self-display idea; the swift changes from (would-be) sublimity to ribald nonsense to plain narrative to erotic mania (including praedicatio feminarum!) to satire to—all the round. 100 copies, signed and numbered 21/-. Is it a bet? If so please wire me where I may send it registered—for I have no available second copy—because the time is a bit short. I have the paper, luckily.
I wished God loved me and would drop you here this very week. I'm all nerves about this solstitial outburst!
Yours trembling like an aspic.
Love is the law, love under will.