Correspondence from Lady Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley





Sesame Imperial and Pioneer Club,

49, Grosvenor Street, W.1.



Dec 6th 1942



Dear Aleister,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Thank you for your letter and invitation to lunch. Would next Wednesday suit you? I am sorry I cannot manage before so I hope it will be convenient.


I saw Mr. Green [of the Chiswick Press] and he showed me the colour-process. I think it will look well on the good paper you have acquired. I am told I should formally write that "I give permission to use the pictures for your book [The Book of Thoth] so I do so now—and add I am proud to think they will be incorporated in your work which will be, undoubtedly, the best book ever produced on the Tarot. I have studied through most of these books lately.


I do hope it brings you luck and success—


Love is the law, love under will.


Ever yours faithfully,


Frieda Harris.



Dear Aleister Crowley—


I am writing this letter to give permission for you to use the 78 designs for the Tarot Cards which I have painted as illuminations for your book on the Tarot.


I also, will allow you to use the existing blocks made by the Sun Engraving Co. for coloured reproductions to be used in your book, the other pictures to be made from the photographs. With regard to the 4 new coloured reproductions you want for the book, I want you to understand that I am only giving permission for these blocks to be made as illuminations to your book and that they are not to be separated and used for other purposes.


Yours sincerely,


Frieda Harris.


