Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Isidore Kerman
[Stamped as being received on 7 December 1942]
Business: prosperous although incompetently managed, requires partner, intelligent, energetic, bold, imaginative, with £1000 to £2000 capital. Reply_____ Box (?)
Dear Kerman,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I hope you are well: you didn't reply to my letter.
Something like the above to start? To show you what I'm like: I simply can't put up the few shillings required to put this Advt. in the Times or Telegraph—one of these, or both, or others, I suppose. I don't know, and tremble at the thought of deciding! At the same time I think nothing at all of getting out a Winter Solstice book [The Book of Thoth] in the most expensive way I can think of—200 copies, cost about £45. Also, I am incapable of taking any steps whatever to sell those copies beyond sending out a prospectus to people I know and trying (always in vain!) to get perhaps half a dozen booksellers to buy an odd copy or two.
I wish you'd realize how many millions there are, ultimately, in all this—as soon as we've worked it up to the business and political stage.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours sincerely,
Aleister Crowley.