Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Karl Germer
London S.W. 1
Dec 10, 1942 e.v.
I, Edward Alexander Crowley (Aleister Crowley) of 93 Jermyn St. London S.W.1. do hereby authorize my representative in the United States of America [Karl Germer], presently residing at 133, West 71st Street New York City N.Y. to act as my agent and attorney in every respect, and in particular to conduct all business in reference to my song "L'Etiucelle" (at first Entitled "La Gauloise") as if I were myself present. And I pledge myself to recognize, confirm, and honour any and every document that he may sign on my behalf.
Witness my hand
Edward Alexan. Crowley (Aleister Crowley)