Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley
[Undated: circa 1943]
. . I am enclosing one Tarot Card from the Sun Engraving photo publishers. I have told them to cut the border at the sides narrower. The card is too wide for a darker border and wording. One can't see either and it makes the card look bald. . . . The old cards appear to have been narrow—what is your opinion—I have been hours writing to Pearson of the Sun Engraving Company trying to express clearly All I want. I ought to be asleep. . . . The Mercury (Magician)— I feel the same as you do about him. I am not certain so I began again. I think the background fair, the Ape alright, the figure vile. I'm not sure the Wand is rightly placed. I keep on worrying about it. I am not sure I understand the words 'magical gestures' but I think I know the meaning. I cannot live with my neighbours. Try as I may although I know I am only a box containing the Living Pod—I still behave as if I were important but I am serious about hoping I may be allowed to be an instrument. That I should find a great honour if I can act obediently. . . .