Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer





[circa late April 1943]



When 666 placed the matter in my hands, I felt that he wanted to put me in a position where I had to come forward—unnamable subtle forces having for some time-been working through me—shape myself definitely for the future (something I have really never done). Learn to stand before people in a position of authority, etc. I even told Wilfred [Wilfred Talbot Smith] that I as well as he was under ordeal. This for your understanding of Jane. However, some inner part of me has taken hold, notwithstanding; I feel more unified. Without action comes abortion, but this action could come into play standing by Jack [Jack Parsons].


I like Jack, I feel he has a great future in the Work; his drawback is lack of application—times when the fun of the moment takes precedence over the assigned job. I can heartily sympathize with this need; he has many irons in the fire, and relaxation is necessary. However, one grows by doing, and with this definite responsibility boyish impulses will fall into line with the Will. And after all, he has youth and the concentration may properly be upon him, that he be prepared when the time arrives. Whatever your decision, I abide by it.


Under date Feb. 16 A.C. writes; "I made you sole arbiter of the destinies of the Lodge."


