Correspondence from Jack Parsons to Grady McMurtry






[2 April 1943]



While I was in New York I visited Germer [Karl Germer] and saw excerpts of your letter regarding the Order, and Crowley's reply. I was not entirely surprised by your attitude—but I am rather surprised that you never mentioned it. I have always considered you a friend, and thought there was a confidence between us.


You know as well as I that Claire [Claire Palmer] slept with every man she met, and was entirely irresponsible and shiftless. She would have been a burden not an asset. I am being frank, but that is my opinion.


As I recall, you were undecided about the situation [the abortion of Palmer's child], and I mentioned that I thought Claire was incapable of properly caring for a child, and wondered if you wanted to involve yourself to that extent. If you took this as advise, and followed it against your True Will and nature, the more fool you.


