Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson
Louis Wilkinson Grove Heart Ripley Surrey
18 Apr. 43
93 Jermyn Str S.W.1.
Très cher ami.
Fay ce que veulx!
Lest you forget (bis) A dandy of Tiflis, Armenia— Well dressed? You should see his gardenia, His collection of hats, His lavender spats, And the twist in the tail of his taenia.
Latest from the front.
1. The whole country clamouring for eggs. 2. Countless millions of gulls' eggs—which cost nothing to produce—to be had for the trouble of picking them up. 3. The Government forbids their collection—allegedly because of the transport. One Department equals 10,000 Unterseeboots seems a reasonably accurate equation. Nor can we begin to make a stand; the technique of secret police persecution is now so perfect. One more story. Last August my secretary, after more than two month's wrangling with the Board of Trade, got permission to send a dress to a friend in California. Last week it came back! Enough—more than enough!
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours ever