Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Helen Parsons






[4 May 1943]



The telegram signed "Jack [Jack Parsons] and Helen Parsons" gave me a somewhat bitter laugh. The last time anyone talked to me about "loving and trusting," it was a very beautiful peroxide blonde who thought I didn't know that she was double-crossing me, and (what is worse) thought that I cared tuppence whether she was or wasn't! Oh yes, Helen, "loving and trusting" doesn't do down very well in this part of the world.


I didn't answer your letter of last October because I couldn't find anything to answer. I forced myself to bore myself to the extent of reading it; and it was all about various people digging for victory—at least I hope they were—people I don't know doing perfectly inept things, and wandering all over the place without any purpose, without any method, without anything at all.


I once got a bunch of snapshots from Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith], and I must say I have rarely cast eyes upon a more fantastically common set of dials; most of them look loopy, and none of them look as if they had any birth, breeding or education whatsoever.


