Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe




93 Jermyn Street




May 13 [1943]



Dear Jane,




Enclosed the long-promised Epistle to Helen [Helen Parsons]—read it carefully! You "amaze and disappoint" her, it appears. More power to your—toe! She strikes me as dangerous—leading her husband [Jack Parsons] by the nose and Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] by the—oh well! Be very firm, but also gentle. She must understand that you are the only one over there who knows me personally. Of course, I can't help wishing that you had been in charge of 80 Bronx hooligans for some years, like poor old Leah [Leah Hirsig]! (I wonder what happened to her; my last from her was in '31; she had somehow got to the Escurial!!)


I am very anxious about Karl [Karl Germer] just now; not a word from him—nor a cable—for 6 weeks or more.


Agape's [Agape Lodge] desertion may be the end of this incarnation for me. I can—and must, I suppose—cut out one meal a day. But there has only been one meal a day for a very long while now.


Still, the Tarot [The Book of Thoth] is paid for up to the day of delivery; and with any luck I 9or my executors) will be sending those Trumps which you should have had nearly 2 years ago.


(You don't know how highly I rate you, that you have never sent a single word of reproach.)


Well, I hope you will have got your tiresome team of huskies into shape by now, and are sledding back from the Klondyke with great stacks of gold!


93     93/93.


Ever yours,




