Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




93 Jermyn Street.



28 May [1943]



Dear Gerald.




Yesterday at lunch the Attorney General happened to ask if you were a good correspondent—Gold Stick in Waiting broke in with that coarse laugh of his "In a pig's -----!" and Rouge Dragon—a nice fellow enough but shockingly lax about Supporters—sniggered "A hole in his socks"! What could I say? What? Such a lovely cardless letter card I sent you too!


Really I do want to see you. Are there any May races this June? I'd like to taste the bitter savour of old happiness.  Anyway, nearly killing myself in the process I finished the Court and small cards [for The Book of Thoth]. They needed what was practically rewriting in parts, as I have found identities between certain cards and (a) the Yi (b) the Geomantic figures. This is exceedingly important from the point of view of official science, as it demonstrates beyond doubt that these independent systems reach the same conclusions, and therefore that they all represent a reality in Nature, not an arbitrary set of artificial conventions. I assure you that one day this will be the cornerstone of the scientific acceptance of the fact of Magick.


Also I got additional evidence for my thesis that Tetragrammaton is a revolving formula, and so that the Universe is self-sustaining, self-renewing, perfect and eternal in itself, not a finite extension from a Creator.


To draw attention to the importance of these doctrines, which are the soul of the Book, I want some extra plates in colour. It would be decent of you to consider this, instead of the old "Them as asks shan't 'ave, and them as don't ask don't want". It isn't a lot; but U.S.A., though now we have got rid of our troublesome bad lad [Wilfred Talbot Smith], won't recover from the changes for a month or two, perhaps longer. And so


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Ever Yours fraternally




