Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson
[on Liber OZ stationary]
S.W.1 WHI: 9331
May 31 [1943]
Dear Louis
Life in London is a bore When I don't see you no more. Life in London ain't no catch When your visit—eggs don't hatch Life in London gets my goat When I miss you—and you know't.
This is the sort of thing I am reduced to when I've had no intelligent companionship for so long. What is it that you, notably urban as urbane, stick to the hedges and ditches, while I, Lover No 1 of the G.[reat] W.[ide] O.[pen] Spaces, can't bear to be more than one rod, pole, or perch from Piccadilly Circus?
Whatever it is that's wrong, I shall prove that it's All Your Fault!
Even a driblet of epistolatry correspondence every week or so would encourage me to carry on!
93 93/93.
Yours ever,
Louis Wilkinson Esq c/o Dr. O'Neill 9 Duke's Avenue Chiswick W.4.