Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Cordelia Sutherland





93 Jermyn St,




July 5 [1943]



Dear Mrs. Sutherland,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Many thanks for the book safely to hand. Your profit on the transaction—I was able to set up the figure for your Nativity. It is a most brilliant and exciting picture.


Now would you like me to write you out a complete delineation? I must ask, because I am hard pressed for time (Oh! that letter to Delysia and Bastille Day Wednesday week!) and, it means 5 or 6 pages of typescript, every line the groan of a strong man in his agony. So I would like to feel sure that you will appreciate my humble effort, before I push everything out of the way with a wild yell, and sit down to snarl it at my secretary, poor girl!


Please give my benediction to Lord Tredegar [Evan Morgan]—did he get the two sets of proofs and "Mortaldello" safely?—and to the Faun.


It was such marvellous enchantment to see the climes and centuries slip away—I think of Parsifal on Good Friday, when the scenery resolves and Monsalvat appears. And my heart is sad with memories of my own tiny Paradise of Boleskine.


Love is the law, lover under will.


Yours sincerely,


Aleister Crowley


