Correspondence from Joseph D. Miller to Wilfred Talbot Smith
[19 July 1943]
Once upon a time there was a young man. As a boy he loved everything and everyone. He was born of love, a love so strong that is parents had broken the conventional lie that he might come forth. Having a sensitive nature, and at the time not knowing the Law of Thelema, when hearing the facts of his origin. He constructed a defense, or escape mechanism in his mind. He possibly thought, this is a higher law that has brought me in. He was right in fact, but he didn't believe it. He decided to dedicate his life to make true what he didn't believe as a child. The young man worked hard at it. Then one day met someone who substantiated that belief, and it was not long until he met a truly Great Man. And that Great Man became conclusive proof that he had been right from the beginning. The G.M. also indicated the way to travel to the far Goal. And he named Will as the way but, in the very naming indicated Love as Will. So the Young Man followed the way of Will, and the G.M. became his God. The Y.M. pulled himself up by his very boot straps, patterning after his God, one pointedly he drove himself on. Thirty years went by Y.M. still driving Will, Will, Will. However in his study attaining to a high place. The G.M. knew him, but the Y.M. must Do it himself. He the G.M. decided he (Y.M.) must be forced, because of an accumulated momentum to equate his nature. Y.M. was now in a precarious position. Y.M. knew the answers that were truth, but his viewpoint was not correct. Y.M. believed in the equating of opposites, had even done so with himself to the nth degree, in fact that is what he was facing. G.M. 'love'ing him and 'will'ing tried to help him, killing Y.M.'s God to give him a new one himself. Y.M. should remember the following quote "There is no god but man" "the aspirants to the Order are men, the Brothers are women." A foolish man on the sidelines made the following remarks to the Y.M. Remember Y.M. the love nature of your youth, you love of the G.M., its completeness, its satisfaction, the understanding from a certain kind of other people, the love of the Work. You have equated yourself, change the application of the viewpoint, contraction and expansion, two phases of the one thing. You have contracted let the expansion extend to the very edges of creation. "Passive love" might in equation equal "action-understanding." Perform the Mass in your own mind. Read it aloud and be each one represented there and your body the Temple. Read the lines of Nuit as she would, feel them be them, and those of Hadit as you have done, and as you do this, picture, energize, each part of it within yourself. Y.M. made no reply and the Foolish Man went on his way, hoping Y.M. would bury himself in the womb of our Lady Babylon, that her sigil mark his tomb. And that a new star 132 might shine forth, to help guide foot-sore Humanity back Home.
"Through the forth ultimate sparks of the intimate fire"