Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Cordelia Sutherland





93 Jermyn St,




July 28 [1943]



Dear Mrs. Sutherland,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Here you are! the queerest and most difficult figure that I ever had to judge. I hope you will be able to tell me that it is not all nonsense.


I am at least quite happy about the rising sign, (i.e. of the hour I chose) for your Tarot-Card is the Prince of Disks, which describe you very exactly. See p 163 in enclosed proofs, which continue those I sent before to Evan [Evan Morgan].


Do let me know! I am always very anxious to have my judgments confirmed.


Sorry you couldn't manage to look in the other day; I wanted badly to talk it over with you.


How is the knee? I hear you have had the most gorgeous hot weather at Tredegar—I envied you in the Tennis Court—that ought to help things along.


For me, I am going into a sort of coma till I get these teeth fixed up. My heart is much better, so I think I shall be able to stand it.


Best of all to you all!


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours ever,




P.S. Please remember to send me that correspondence between Lord Tredegar and the O.H.M. I need a bit of nice clean fun at this depressing hour!




