Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Karl Germer






[30 August 1943]



It is now up to you to find (a) an alternative theory to explain Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith], reconciling all the contradictory data (b) an alternative method by which he can be got rid of completely, once and for all, without the appearance of ingratitude, harshness or injustice, in the form of a compliment.


(This is based on our English plan of dealing with inconvenient M.P.s: they are raised to the peerage.)


Suppose Smith refuses to play, then obviously he outs himself; if he accepts the situation, he may (a) make good—a marvellous asset to the Order (b) make an ass of himself in any of 51 ways.


In either case, he is barred from any communication whatever with the Order. My N.L.T. [night letter] to Max [Max Schneider] was plain enough, surely.


