Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson
Louis Wilkinson Grove Heart Ripley Surrey
2 Sept 43
Dear Louis
Charming of you to reply so promptly and enrichingly. "Comfort Studio" is pure genius. I don't believe it could be imitated by any scoffer. Re your heart—your brain gave way, I guess! I would have suggested cutting down on the Whiff Joy without X-rays and electro-cardiagrams, which cost money! Dear, dear lad, don't be a sucker! The Biafoims Catilines are worse than ever were. This from me with a temperature of 104.6° and a pleurisy pain. But I'm getting an honest G.P. [General Practitioner]. and if he talks about Barium meals I shall kiss him Good-bye!
Sept 9. Interval for pleurisy k.t.l. [etc.] I haven't felt equal to finishing this chit, and don't even now: for though I was let out of the kennel to-day, it was only to go to the dentist. Italy—this time a few people do seem to remember what I said on March 21 about the Word of the Equinox. I wonder what will turn up at Sol in 0° Libra. Sorry, but I really feel unequal to writing at all properly: so fare thee well till pronto, subito, bald, jaldo, bientôt, coe txleta [Grk.] and the rest! With all blessings.