Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry




In valli




[22] September 1943 e.v.



Care Frater,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


The Greetings of the Equinox of Autumn!


The Word of the Equinox is




The Omen is AL II 40. The Ring settled on the second 'for'.


The Oracle is the 16th [I Ching] Hexagram Yu.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours fraternally,




9º = 2o   AA


Notes on the Word of the Equinox.


This word comes from the Abramelin Square.








Its virtue is to "cure inverterate paralysis". It is hoped that this may be interpreted in connection with the promulgation and acceptance of the Law of Thelema which has been so held up for so long.


Every letter in this square, except K which is neutral, has a favourable attribution. Jupiter in Pisces, Venus in Libra—Fire, Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Taurus, Moon in Cancer increasing, Jupiter in Sagittarius and Moon in Cancer decreasing. Investigation of the word itself has so far not shewn any striking phenomena. Its numerical value is, of course, 90, the numeration of Tzadi, the Emperor and this corresponds well enough with the general idea of the square. Suggestions as to the derivation of any of the words in this square would be welcome.


The Omen: the ring settled on the second 'for'; we might take the value of this to be 286 which is 26 x 11, the magical manifestation of Tetragrammaton and this again corresponds with the Emperor. The word 'for' in this passage has the meaning of 'on account of' or 'in honour of' but there is an essential meaning of positiveness; compare the words 'forecastle', 'forearmed', 'before', 'forth'; Skeat suggests these himself. One might take the word to mean 'over the top of'. The general meaning of the 16th Hexagram is pleasure or satisfaction. It is the fiery mode of the feminine principle, and this suggests the issuing forth of the Great Idea.


The Thwan says: "Yu indicates that feudal princes may be set up, and the hosts put in motion, with advantage."


