Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Ben Stubbins
[Undated: circa late October ? 1943]
Dear Brother Ben.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Don't be cross with me for being a good logician! (A bad look-out for the world if I wasn't). I don't quite understand your para 2; what I said was that I would give the value in books and pictures. Believe me, I feel most deeply what you have done in the past: but don't think of it as for A.C. but for the work. Also, what you have done has earned you the privilege of being regarded as "a friend in need". When I said that I found it hard to believe that you couldn't raise £10, I meant something like this (a) if your doctor advised an immediate operation, you could find the fees somehow (b) if I were a banker, and was offered your note at 90 days, I would discount it without a qualm.
I'm the last person on earth to ask for what is given without enthusiasm; this you have always shewn, to my great satisfaction. However, since you are not in a position to help, here is a shot at helping you: enclosed, draft of a proposal which is now being typed. It works out at over 25% (I think) which is a lot more than you get from most investments. I made it tempting; don't forget that I am running a race with death. There is so much I can do, and ought to do, and I am always being held up by arrears of unpublished stuff. I am sending copies of this, but with more details, to purely commercial people; it is an offer, not an appeal.
Yours warmly in fraternity.
P.S. When you are through with 'Jack the Ripper' please send to Cecil [Robert Cecil] Esq 10 Little Thrift, Petts Wood, Kent. Liber Aleph I would like back before Nov 18. I want to send it to printers on that day.
[Enclosure to above letter]
O.T.O. Publication Fund. Strictly private and confidential.
1. External circumstances have greatly increased the "time-lag" between (a) going to press and publication (b) payment of costs of production and receipts from sales.
2. The result of this is, that while the income from fees, subscriptions, donations and sale of books already issued is ample to finance new publications, it must be allowed to accumulate in order to pay cash in advance to the printers, engravers and binders: this is absolutely necessary to secure priority for the work. Figures on application.
3. Two books are now ready, and their immediate publication is required at once. This is to be divided into four sums of £50 each, and you are asked to take up one or more of these. Repayment will be made quarterly in six installments of £10.