Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Ben Stubbins




93 Jermyn Str.



Oct 18 [1943]



Dear Bro Stubbins


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I can't understand why people always fail to read my letters. No copy, but I'm sure I wrote as clearly as language can make it. The Tarot Book [The Book of Thoth] is being printed. The first edition 200 copies at 5 g[uinea]s - 1000 g[uinea]s less discount etc. The printer refuses to finish it until I pay him 30. How can I put it more simply and clearly? I can't.


Your letter, too, is puzzling. You told me that you had no need to do any business, that your life's economies sufficed without working further. Unless you have invested in annuity, you must have at least £10,000 packed away. With all the best will in the world, I can't believe that you can't spare £10! It's none of my business, and I shouldn't write like this, but I'm three parts crazy with worry. The Tarot is my life's work—daily since Feb 1899, nearly 45 years! I have sunk thousands in research on it, and hundreds in getting it printed. And I should like to see it out before I die. Looks like a close race!


Love is the law, love under will.






P.S. I offered books and MSS (didn't I mention "The Net" [Moonchild]? I'll swear I did) but of course anyone can have 2 copies of Tarot Book for his £10—only I can't promise any date of delivery. It ought to be ready before Xmas, if the £30 were paid NOW.


