Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry
Nov 10 [1943]
Care Frater
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
So glad to have yours of Nov 6. A bad chill and no secretary have delayed my reply. In fast, this is just to cover urgent points.
1. When do you expect to be in London?
2. Please get information to Karl [Karl Germer]: new address, 260 W. 72nd St N.Y. City N.Y. telling him that you are sending me monthly contribution direct; that you have cleared up my whole vision of Agape [Agape Lodge] and Co., confirming his and my previous judgments; and that I heartily approve the suggestions in his letter of Sept 19.
Get this over quick, please!
I will of course answer all his letters in detail when I get health + help
Same with regard to your letter: tomorrow, I hope.
Do you know any one who would take up a small short-term loan? It works out about 27%—better than War Loans and Savings and Certificates and Credits.
This is a very urgent matter: and what I don’t want is donations and “Latin Quarter Loans.”
The copy just came in; so I thought I’d take it as a “sign”!
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally
Lieut Grady L. McMurtry 1684th Ord M M Co (Avn) (Q) APO 635, AAF 473 U.S. Army