Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Cordelia Sutherland
Nov 24 [1943]
My dear Cordelia,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Now don't you go and tell people, but the fact is that I wash every so often.
Every time I wash I think of you.
Every time I think of you I wish you were here.
Every time I wish you were here I wish that at least I had a letter from you: since that P.C. [post card] grim silence, woe is me!
Please let me have the "Drug Fiend" [Diary of a Drug Fiend] as soon as you are through with it; I had promised it to another, and am getting black looks.
And I do hope you have trashed those two books of Evan's [Evan Morgan]. I forgot Eels were so slippery!
The Tarot-book [The Book of Thoth] is being printed off, at last, after 2 1/2 years in the Press. I'm ready for subscriptions now: £10:10:0: working on Prospectus, and hope to send it out before Xmas.
There is one slight fly in this apothecary's ointment: [illegible] and to wit—the printing releases metal and labour. I must therefore give them a firm order for my next work, OLLA, mentioned in that Loan Proposal I showed you. That means that I have absolutely got to hand out a matter of £50, or some one else will slip in, and it might be months before the opportunity recurs. So I hope you haven't forgotten me. It's perfectly safe and the interest tempting surely.
I've been working devilish hard in very annoying circumstances. That accident meant shill and cold and cough; I've been really ill. I do hope, by the way, that your silence doesn't mean that you have been ill too.
Excuse a distracted letter—Love to you all!
Love is the law, love under will.