Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry




93 Jermyn St.




Nov 29 '43 e.v.

6 PM



Care Frater Hymenaeae Alpha!


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Money Order will be the best (safest) way to send the £30.


Most sincere hopes that you can manage a daylight meeting. Also, 6 hours is too long for me at my age to talk continuously. I was quite knocked out.


[Not "up"! By the way, nock, not knock, in that sense of the sound (nocking-shop etc). Nock = to copulate: from an old French verb 'nocer'. "Faire la voce' literally "to make the wedding" is modern slang for "to go on the tiles".]


Yes: it was indeed the morning after. Slept till 10, breakfast, slept til 12.30, milk and Eccles cakes. Slept till 5.30. Now I'm beginning to pick up. It would have been all right if we could have taken it easy part of the time, lunch, exploring odd bits of London etc.


Still, I did enjoy it!


Worrying one at the same time, but I couldn't say why, was "healed any battle scars". Just what you can't do, no how: a scar is evidence that the healing has been completed.


You must look out for these fine points: you can't be too accurate in the use of words. It is the great curse of to-day that hardly any one writes fine English any more.


Love is the law, love under will.






Documents will be sent of to-morrow. Books probably a day later.




