Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry




93 Jermyn St




Nov 30 [1943]



Care Frater


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Your T.M.O. duly to hand: promptitude much appreciated. I hope you have received the "documents" by now.


No news of Jack's [Jack Parsons] $50. Money is best sent to ALEXANDER (not Aleister) Crowley through NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK. (London Branch) Mention these facts if you happen to be cabling him.


I hope you are resolving the Grand Design which I outlined to you, and will put it into more business-like shape to transmit to J.W.P. [Jack Parsons] $5000 might start things more or less merrily $10000 would be safer.


It would help a good deal if the 2nd £50 could be arranged by Xmas or New Year. The trouble with [Karl Germer] is that neither he nor I can be quite sure (as things are at present) the precise amount to date of his remittance. This uncertainty causes not only anxiety, but actual waste of money. The bigger the reserve, the stronger the impulse to save; and having to pay by installments does damage to credit.


Your City of D.[readful] N.[ight] will be sent off to you to-morrow.


It seems that I shall have to put in a whole lot of time training you for something—can't yet say exactly what. So I am jotting down any notes that may be useful to one or the other of you, as hey occur to me: that way I don't forget them while waiting to compose a "proper letter". 3 such enclosed herewith.


Love is the law, love under will.






