Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Anne Macky





93 Jermyn Street



3 Dec 1943



Cara Soror,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I have been thinking over what I wrote in my last letter with regard to the verification of appearances in the Astral Plane.


I did not mention a parallel question of even greater immediate practical importance: that of one's relations with Astral or discarnate intelligences or with Those whom we call "The Masters" or "The Gods": the messages of gestures which reach us through the normal physical channels. The importance is that they actually determine one's line of conduct in critical situations.


It seemed therefore a good idea to give you three examples from The Spirit of Solitude [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley]: and here they are!


The first extract refers to the "miraculous" discovery of the MS of Liber AL some years after I had deliberately "lost" it.


The second, to the finding of a villa suited to the Work.


The third to my rescue from a state of despair.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours fraternally,




P.S. There are still some points in your letter; but they need great care and toil. I wrote 7 pages last night; it would be some days before I could get them types; so it seemed best to let you have this at once, and incorporate the rest in my next letter.




