Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry




93 Jermyn Street,




Jan 3 [1944]



Care Frater


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Thanks for yours of 2nd—bit quicker now!—with enclosures. Receipt for contents and 's [Karl Germer] v-chit herewith.


Sorry I didn't understand one little bit about your request. Tell me again on Saturday—but I do wish it were any other day of the week. I'll give you a 'fireside chat' à la F.D.R. at great length, and the lowdown, the very low down.


Meanwhile, rule No 1. Never on any account pay them, or buy things for them beyond a couple of drinks.


Remind me to show you the Naples book.


I do like candy.


Glad you got the chess: you were lucky.


Your hint of 7 A.M. is probably near enough. I don't remember about War Time, but will set up several figures, and see which fits. Can't do it now; work presses; will have it for you Saturday.


Love is the law, love under will.






P.S. Your ideas re the loan. You say you can find £10 this month and £15 Feb 1. Add £75 March 1 (you will have £10 from me interest-amortization on 1st loan) and that will make a 2nd £50.


By the way, I didn't mean to place that in U.S.A. in difficulty of sending installments from here. Nor was I looking to friends or members of O.T.O. for they have "blackmail" security—could blow me to glory in a week if I didn't repay. So 27% is far too much interest rate for them. I sent out the offer to tradesmen and such.




