Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry




93 Jermyn Street,




Jan 11 [1944]



Care Frater


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Smoking a White Owl, so thought I'd better add this to your package. The "Fausts" are not in yet: you'll get a box as soon as they do—provided the present financial agony lets up on me a bit. Dec – Feb are always months of stringency. Reminds me, you didn't say if you could, and would, work in the second £50 on the piecemeal plan outlined in yours and mine of last week. If so, bis dat qui cito dat [Latin: He gives twice who gives promptly]. And that reminds me: I suppose you took the Nuttall. That was no part of my plan, as it's a book I have to consult everyday. Please copy the phrases you need as quickly as you can, and return it.


Things are moving here: Mrs S. brought her portable, and typed 3 letters for me: will do the other 3 this week. And that will square me with my work, at least that part of it, for some time to come.


A perfectly filthy morning, raw freezing wind, now turned to ditto rain. So I turned tail, and took shelter by the fire, leaving the job of finding you a Lasker [chess book] till to-morrow.


I should like to hear from you quickly; so it will be better to send this off at once, and the cigars separately—as they seem to take so long in transit.


Best of all!


Love is the law, love under will.


Fraternally, but fagged out.






