Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson
Jan 17 [1944]
Dear Louis,
Thanks for your card: didn't know Mullion was so far from Penzance—but perhaps you'll drift nearer.
I think you took notes of most facts; but I'll summarize. See verso.
All well here, but weather unspeakably vile. Busy constructing the longest sentence in the English language: rather fun. I have a staff on the job of rearranging.
I miss you badly.
Chiswick Press bought by rascals: and stuck for a printer for OLLA. Do find me one!
93 93/93.
Objective. Aleister (Ataturk) [Aleister Ataturk] Mother (?) Mrs. (?) Patricia Deidre Dougherty ? Doherty [Patricia MacAlpine] her Mother Mrs. Phyllis Bodilly, late Marquise de ——? or Penzance Town Council her Mother Mrs. Gotch
Seat: Wheal Betsy Newlyn
No news since Sept '42. There must be some one who knows what has (or hasn't) happened.