Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Anne Macky






93, Jermyn St

S.W. 1.



Jan 24 [1944]



Cara Soror


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


[In the first paragraph Crowley speaks of the return of rheumatic pains, in his should and arm, and ague, which cause enough discomfort to 'hinder creative writing.']


XVI is very important, cuts to reality direct; and XVII will I hope satisfy a difficulty that must often have bothered you. As far as I know, nobody has dealt with it seriously; such accounts as we have are all too plainly wish-phantasms—when they are not plain fakes.'  . . .


Love is the law, love under will.




[signed] 666



Mrs Macky

Pancakes House

Leverstock Green

Hervel Hempstead


