Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer




5169 1/4 Fountain Avenue

Los Angeles, 27, California



February 21, 1944



Dear Karl:




Enclosed is a re-typed copy of my letter to Aleister. I was much engrossed when I wrote the letter, I suppose, for I completely forgot to make an additional copy for you.


Jack [Jack Parsons] and Betty [Betty Northrup] were over last night: they took me to dinner, and from there to the Paramount in Hollywood to see "Lady in the Dark". The following are his present plans:


Will abandon the idea of establishing the Order at this time, and will do AA work, sending diaries to Aleister.


He considers three of the members worth working with as students—Fred Ewing, Dick Canright and Paul Seckler. Fred and Dick have some stability; esoterically Paul could be valuable if and when he becomes stabilized, and he is far from that now.


Also Jack has carried out a determination expressed some time ago, that Betty would have to get a job, work at it six months, say, and contribute toward the Work. She is so working, and it is her money that is going to London. I don't know just how much, but Jack said he expected to send $40 or $50 "this month".


Wilfred [Wilfred Talbot Smith] and Helen [Helen Parsons] are still at 1003 [1003 S. Orange Grove Avenue], but expect to get out before long. Their being there Jack knows would not work, and he said that if it became necessary he would throw Wilfred out. Also in this way he could not have an excuse to come back at any time.


By the way, have you copies of "The City of God" for sale to a dealer? Jack and I plan to get together an exhibit for Dorson's, the largest place in town for occult lore, consisting of the Tarot cards we have here, a copy of "The City of God", and one or two other items—if they will take it. My reason for this was and is to interest money: Jack's reason is not quite clear to me. But I will tell you of this if, and when, the exhibit is arranged. How many copies were struck off for this issue would also be desirable information—if there are any copies for sale.


My love to you,


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