Correspondence from Grady McMurtry to Aleister Crowley
1475th Ord MM Co (Avn)(Q) APO 638, U.S. Army
8 March 1944
Care Frater A.C.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Is there some other initial I can address you by in letters? The Cara Frater is so formal.
I don't blame you for not being very happy about me; Neither am I. I am in a good position from a practical point of view, no doubt, but there is a catch. Responsibility. And it cannot be brushed lightly aside if I wish to keep or better my position. What is my responsibility? First—my men; they must be fed, clothed, taken care of, their moral kept high and they must be trained, trained so well that they can carry on if I should fall. Melodramatic? Maybe. Second—my work in the field. A unit exists only to accomplish its mission—and my men must not only be soldiers but also know their work. Is it little wonder that when I relax I try to relax totally? So you see that this is a good position—yes—but also a restricted one. As a leader men follow my example as a soldier; therefore I must be the best soldier in the outfit—and that is a restriction when it comes to the Work—for how can I expect them to put their faith in some raving maniac who goes skipping over the fields adoring the advent of spring? If I were a free agent it would be different; if I were adept it would be different—If. But I'm not adept and I'm not a free agent—and I am most unhappy about the whole affair.
I was in apathetic gloom when you did the Adorations? Yes, quite. And why shouldn't I be? I'm going on 26 now. I've been in the army long enough that I am drawing longevity pay—and the war may be over in ten months—or ten years. And how much of the Great Work have I accomplished? Nothing. Absolutely nothing! The best years of my life trickling through my fingers—and even that is a selfish view when I think of my fallen comrades. Have I mastered the secrets of the Temple, is my work well on its way, can I even show you so much as a simple adoration, some small ceremony of my own, for your judgment as to whether or not I am on the right track? No. It is true that I did not stand up and cheer when you were making the Adorations—but that does not mean that I wasn't thinking of them. One thing I was thinking of, which may be erroneous, was that the Adorations you were performing were your own particular property—Are they supposed to be a function of all members of the Lodge? If so my mistake probably came about by never having seen other members perform same.
Restriction has hampered my application to the Work—but much of my work is done with the surface mind while I go on thinking—deeply and slowly—perhaps as Sterling said:
Where the deep tides roll mightly On dark Galilee
Or is Galilee deep enough to make that apt? Anyway in my way I come to certain conclusions, and usually know shy. And some of my conclusions do not appear to agree with what you have told me. I use "appear" because upon analysis I usually find that what you have told me is true—as far as it goes. But it doesn't go far enough. It only takes in part of the total problem. My conclusions are now complete enough that I may lay them before you. Your campaign problem appears to me to be only part of a total project. And the lesser part at that. After all—even if we don't clear your name today it will be cleared when the Law of Thelema is accepted. So the main problem is to give the Law a fair chance to be accepted. That is the grand plan. Of course if, as you point out, we can get your name cleared now, that will boost the other. But there are greater forces at work. Again I refer to a basic change in living that would make the Law of Light, Life, Love and Liberty as natural as making a profit is today. For the two are integral. The number of thinking people, that is people who will take time to "think," analysis and come to a conclusion on the Law, any conclusion, is negligible in comparison to the majority—yet to say that the majority are therefore morons is childish. Not up to the standard we want perhaps—but certainly not morons. It is with this in mind that I have reviewed the "Scientific Solution" [Scientific Solution of the Problem of Government] and have inclosed my findings on that.
I know that I have gone over some of this before—especially the economic part. And that you chose to disregard it because it is in the future. But you can not disregard it—for the present Aeon encompasses this very future! Realize that. These economic forces are at work and sooner or later—sooner in some parts of the world—they will make themselves manifest. Already they are laying off men in the States. Already the bulk of the equipment has been furnished. Already they are reconverting to peace time manufacture—do you realize what that means? It's bad enough if you do not but if you will not then I can't make you.
Instead of writing the rest as part of the letter I've written them down separately. The inclosures include (1) outline for the campaign [to clear Crowley's name] in duplicate so you can correct one copy and send it back if you wish, (2) notes on "Scientific solution", (3) notes on why outline is incomplete, (4) poem "The Seeker".
Love is the law, love under will.
Clear Crowley's Name Campaign by Grady McMurtry
Policy: To clear Crowley's name of the slander instigated by bigoted journalists and propagated by the sensational press.
Addendum thereto: Aleister Crowley has dedicated his life to the alleviation of the suffering of mankind by the practical application to every day living of philosophy in its highest concepts. In order to test his theories it was necessary for him to experiment. As many of these experiments, especially in his early youth, were at the expense of what are commonly considered "Christian Concepts" he gained considerable notoriety as a "Black Magician" merely on the basis of the experiments and without regard to the conclusions reached. An example: He conducted research on a scientific basis to determine the effect of certain narcotics—a laudable occupation. His conclusions have been published and are open for reference. Did this make any difference to the sensational press? Not in the least. The mere fact that he had made the experiment provided them with material for reams of Sunday supplements featuring "That Fiend Crowley," etc. It is well to bear this in mind when considering the present effort to bring his teachings to mankind—this being the ultimate object in clearing his name of stigma.
Aleister Crowley has brought the world the Law of Thelema. The Law of Will. The concept that no person has the right to do other than his true Will, and that this law is Love, Love under Will. This is not the soft, sentimental love of the romanticist but the virile, brilliant love of humanity—the concept that the union of mankind in the brotherhood of Thelema will bring a new aeon of peace and progress to the world. That is worth fighting for. That is why we must CLEAR CROWLEY'S NAME.
In order to bring this about a plan of action is necessary. The following is such a plan.
I. Headquarters
A. Location—London or vicinity.
B. Type—business office large enough to accommodate executive in charge of campaign and several secretaries to handle correspondence, classify pertinent material and gather information.
II. Staff
A. Executive—must be a person competent to handle editors, reporters, publishers, writers and supervise the collection and distribution of material pertinent to the campaign.
B. Executive Secretary—must be competent to supervise the staff of secretaries and keep the flow of incoming and outgoing information coordinated. May be expected to take over the position of the Executive in an emergency.
C. Treasurer—in charge of procuring and disbursing funds for the campaign. Should be an accountant.
D. Secretarial Staff
1. Personnel—to advise Executive of personnel in the field, new members, etc.
2. Intelligence—to determine, predict and advise the Executive on the movements and thought trends of the opposition.
3. Planning—keeping the roster of activities up to date and coordinating future moves as the campaign progresses.
4. Stenographers, typists, and file clerks to keep the subject material properly classified and readily available.
E. Reporters—to obtain needed information from documents, newspapers, records, and also to interview writers and men in public life.